Sudip Acharya

Sudip Acharya

Research Assistant

Ph.D. Student

Education/Professional Preparation
•  University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ph.D. Student in Material Science & Engineering, Fall 2020-present.
•  Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, M.Sc. in Physics in 2020.
• Tri-Chandra Multiple College, Tribhuvan University, B.Sc. Physics

Research Interest

  • GeSn thin Flim growth using Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) method.
  • Design and Fabrication of Prototype devices like lasers and detectors.
  • Develop monolithically integrated novel SiGeSn optoelectronics devices.
  • Develop novel electrical and Photonics materials.

Research Experience

  • Developed an Embedded atom potential (EAM)  for SiGeSn ternary and respective binary alloys for Simulation of growth parameters.
  • Investigation of material quality by Photoluminescence (PL), Raman , XRD, SEM.
  • Fabrication of GeSn material devices such as Lasers and their characterization.
  • Demonstration of optically pumped and electrically injected GeSn lasers.